5 January 2018

Why Make The Change To Plant-Based Protein Powder


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Plant-Based Protein Powder

So Lean & So Clean - Organic Protein Powder - ChocolatePlant-based protein powder, in my opinion, has an increasing amount of benefits compared to whey powder (generally the most used type of protein powder). Between being good for the earth and providing your body with rich nutrients – how could you go wrong?

Well, there are plenty of people who will go against this notion and state that plant-based protein just doesn’t cut it. It doesn’t help you gain muscles the way whey powder does, they say. Or, it tastes bad and costs too much. Whatever defense they’ve tried to come up with, just hasn’t cut it for me.


Way Better Than Whey - Organic Protein Powder - Vanilla Chai

Considering my dairy allergy, it was always a struggle trying to find dairy-free protein powder so naturally, I turned to plant-based powders. My workouts felt incredible, I felt incredible and I was gaining amazing definition. Pretty good for plant-based protein, eh? I have found the best plant-based protein powder that tastes great and only contains 1g of sugar! (uh, winning!) So Lean & So Clean – Organic Protein Powder – Chocolate By Ora organics. I totally recommend it to anyone looking for a low-sugar, non-GMO, soy, dairy, and gluten-free and fully vegan plant-based powder.

Over the past 5 years of using plant-based powders, I honestly can’t say anything bad about them. Yes, the taste isn’t as deliciously sugar filled but shouldn’t that be a bonus? I think so. Please continue reading, where I go in depth on the benefits of protein powder, my amazing protein powder, how plant-based outweigh’s the benefits of whey powder, and why you should consider plant-based powders too.

Benefits Of Plant-Based Protein Powder

Easily Digested

plant-based protein powderThe ingredients make it so that plant-based protein powder is actually easy to digest for your digestive system. While, Whey protein powders actually contain a lot of sugar, dairy, and gluten, which all are difficult to digest for the majority of people (not to mention cause candida overgrowth – read more about that here). Whey protein can actually destabilize the gut microbiota and if you’ve read my post on Everything Probiotics than you know how important it is to have a healthy gut. Yet, for some reason, whey protein powder is still the most popular supplement in the markets today (1).


plant based healthAlmost all plant-based protein powders are healthy and boost your immune system. The good brands deliver dairy, soy, and gluten free powders that have a low or no sugar count. The most important thing is that the protein can deliver a completely full amino acid profile. This means you are getting a whole protein; the essential amino acids necessary for human dietary needs.

On the other hand, there are some brands of plant-based protein powders that contain quite a lot of sugar (I won’t mention them here…). But there are some amazing brands like Ora Organic that only contain 1 g of sugar, are dairy, soy, and gluten-free, non-GMO and are fully vegan. These are the brands that deliver a complete amino acid profile based powder. Look for this so you know you are getting a healthy plant-based powder that is going to be easily digested, boost your immune system and fulfill your amino acid requirements.

Plant-Based Aid Just As Much In Muscle Growth As Whey Powder

plant-based protein resultsPlant-based powder has long been criticized as a non-fitness powder. Some say that plant-based won’t grow your muscles the same way as whey protein powder. Wrong. Though whey is considered a good protein supplement (because it’s high in leucine, one of the branches-chain amino acids [BCAAs]), plant-based supplements are just as effective. When it comes to building muscle, gaining strength and aiding in exercise recover, a clinical study from 2013 was able to prove that rice protein was completely equal to whey protein (2). Thus, there is no difference. 

Help the Earth

plant basedSomething overlooked when purchasing powders is the earthly benefits plant-based powders provide compared to animal based. Manufacturing plant-based powders are actually good for the environment. It requires less land, water, and other resources to grow crops for plant-based protein than it does animal protein. It is also a lot cleaner for the environment (3). Large livestock farms, take up a great amount of room and repel greenhouse gas emissions. Plants are also biodegradable and provide less waste than animal-based powders.(4)

What to look for in Plant-Based Protein Powders 

As mentioned above, I always look for a plant-based powder that can provide me with a complete amino acid profile. Meaning a powder that has both rice protein powder and pea powder. Things like no sugar or low sugar counts are extremely important for your gut and brain health. When plant-based look for non-GMO companies that provide dairy, soy, and gluten free powders like Ora Organic’s powders.

Way Better Than Whey - Organic Protein Powder - Vanilla Chai

Here is the powder that I absolutely love. The ingredients are incredible and fully trusted. Benefits of this brand are that they include digestive enzymes (amylase, protease, cellulase, lactase, and lipase) to aid digestion and breakdown of food into nutrients for our bodies to absorb. I really can’t go on enough about this brand, I absolutely love it! If you’re interested in purchasing a plant-based protein powder from Ora Organics you can do so by clicking here! 


If you’re not already a plant-based protein powder lover, I hope that I have turned you on to all plant-based things. I hope that you’re able to find the best plant-based products that will provide you with the greatest health benefits. Please comment down below to let me know what you think of this post!

Lots of love,

Annie Bri



(1) E. (2017, December 17). 10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Use Whey Protein Supplements. Retrieved January 05, 2018, from http://darwinian-medicine.com/10-reasons-why-you-shouldnt-use-whey-protein-supplements/

(2) Brown, B. (2016, July 07). Plant-Based Protein Supplements vs Whey (Infographic). Retrieved January 05, 2018, from http://www.artofwellbeing.com/2015/10/04/plant-based-protein-supplements/

(3) Danielson, L. (2017, October 31). 9 Surprising Benefits of Plant-Based Protein Powder. Retrieved January 05, 2018, from http://www.idealraw.com/blog/nutrition-know-how/benefits-of-plant-based-protein-powder/

(4) Sustainability & Environmental Impact of Plant-based vs. Meat-based Diets. (2016, April 14). Retrieved January 05, 2018, from http://naturallysplendid.com/resources/2016/04/sustainability-environmental-impact-plant-based-vs-meat-based-diets/





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