Whether you are searching for vegan recipes, want to explore a healthy cleanse or kickstart your candida diet to take back control of your mental and physical health, these delicious recipes are easy on your digestion, improve your gut health and help you develop healthy habits to improve your overall wellness.
By eating a whole and nutrient-dense diet, undergoing a candida cleanse and getting serious about my self-care, I am sharing my story as I work toward healing my digestive issues, struggles with mental health and hormonal imbalances. Explore the latest on the blog to walk the path to wellness alongside me with delicious recipes, healthy habits and more!
Through my own wellness journey, I discovered that gut health is directly linked to mental health and wellbeing. I’m here to help you walk the path toward physical and mental wellness, so sign up to receive everything you need to kickstart your healing journey!
anniebri © 2022 | branding and website DESIGN BY MONARCH DESIGN CO.